Why developers choose Kotlin for Android App Development?

It is an exciting time to be an Android Developer and use Kotlin for Android App Development. An integral purpose for this fervor is the official help that Google has extended to the programming language Kotlin.

Kotlin, after all, provides developers the highlights they requested. It is a statically typed programming language that can keep running on the Java virtual machine.

It is an open-source, broadly useful, and pragmatic computer programming language that joins both object-oriented and functional programming highlights inside it. Kotlin was developed in the year 2011 by the programmers of a Software Product Development Company called JetBrains in Russia and afterward increased by a few open source developers.

Kotlin for Android App Development is relevant today due to two reasons. It has been created as an answer to the issues that Android developers have looked over some stretch of time.

Accordingly, it answers the greater part of the principal issues that surfaced in Java, providing developers with between inter-operability, safety, and tooling support.

However, the motivation behind why it is touted as a tour-de-force in the Android app Development ecosystem is because significant-tech giant and the parent organization of Android – Google, in its yearly developer gathering ‘Google I/O 2017’ declared that Kotlin is currently an official Android language and Google will give its five stars backing to Kotlin on the Android platform.

With Google itself becoming Kotlin oriented, major developers, are moving towards receiving it and the way that numerous Java applications are being rewritten in Kotlin now, it is being seen as the eventual fate of building Android applications.

Simply the manner in which Swift guaranteed the demise of Objective C language before, today, Kotlin is good to go to push out Java from the Android application development ecosystem.

Even now that Kotlin is an authoritatively supports language to compose Android Apps, you may, in any case, feel that there are not enough purposes behind a change. Java has proved to work during every one of these years, so for what reason would it be a good idea for you to change?

Here are my reasons why I believe that a long way from being a risky bet, moving to Kotlin for Android App Development is probably the best thing you can do.


Kotlin for Android App Development

#1) Kotlin Offers Brevity

Earlier mobile application developers were dependent to Java programming language to get any sort of utilization grew But with time they scanned for a language which is exact and offers quickness.

Kotlin for Android App Development is the ideal programming language that offers curtness as well as guarantees there are lesser blunders in code. With lesser blunders the generation turns out to be quicker, thus, the application performs better.

#2) Language with a Great IDE Support 

In the testing periods of Kotlin, it has experienced a few phases of alpha and beta enhancements. It was utilized in a lot of projects before its last release so the developers don’t confront any issue while building up an application with it. With world-class IDE support, it guarantees smooth activity and highlights that are like Java.

#3) Open-Source

Much the same as Java, Kotlin is additionally an open-source project. Since it is an open-source language the developers can without much of a stretch anticipate top-notch development. Aside from this Kotlin for Android App Development also offers support from the slack group through which the chances for errors end up negligible.

#4) It’s interoperable with Java

Trying saying that multiple times rapidly! Kotlin is interoperable with Java, implying that you can utilize Java frameworks and even mix commands from the two languages in your code!

#5) It decreases boiler plate code

‘Boiler plate’ with regards to programming refers to the lines of code that you continue including which doesn’t really add to the function of your code.
Kotlin utilizes various handy tricks and strategies to decrease this ‘extra’ code and in doing as such, causes clients to make applications all the more rapidly and essentially. We’ll analyze some particular models in this rundown.

#6) An Easier Language with Enhanced Safety 

You can generally refer to the tremendousness and immensity of Java as a language that really can’t be compared with Kotlin. Be that as it may, when you place Kotlin for Android App Development, the language looks far worthwhile than Java for a few reasons.

Kotlin arrived as an improved language over Java with a few key upgrades over Java, especially for the Android application developers. While the way toward making classes and a few syntaxes are like similar for both the language, Kotlin is a lot simpler than Java and offers greater security.

While Android developers consistently consider finding the NullPointerExceptions to exceptionally cumbersome, Kotlin gives you all out an opportunity from this. The null-safety highlight of Kotlin makes your activity simpler while fortifying your information security to the most extreme.

Summing Up

(Kotlin for Android App Development)
From the above highlights, we can understand why most of the android apps are migrated to Kotlin. The factor that impressed the developers is that Kotlin is declared as the most efficacious and most needed languages for android apps.

As far as we can see, Kotlin for Android App Development has a bright future ahead and is going to make the process more facilitated.

Why Binary Informatics is giving so much weight on Kotlin for Android App Development? 

Looking at the diversity and the business importance of Kotlin, Binary Informatics is keeping Kotlin as an Android App Development alternative. We think Kotlin to be highly qualified for our application development process because of an assortment of reasons.

Kotlin is an increasingly proficient language for the advancement of Android applications because of a galaxy of features it offers. It is a developed language with top-notch IDE support.

The incredible help that surfaces with the Kotlin eco-system are another huge in addition to that works for us. The way that it is open-source makes it impenetrable to the way that Oracle is turning towards the paid model for Java now.

Kotlin’s amazing and clean syntax results bring about less coding than Java. It implies fewer errors and less time taken for a similar yield of work. Kotlin being a perfect developer’s language gives us a chance to stretch out these advantages to the customers with progressively steady and high-gauge applications delivered at a lot quicker rate.

Kotlin’s cost productivity is another component that emphatically affected our choice to move to the language. We realize how Objective-C was made outdated by Swift and afterward the support of Objective C projects demonstrated to be a cost sinkhole.

There is a high probability that remaining on Java for Android application undertakings could prompt mounting support costs. At Binary Informatics, we need to guarantee that does not occur to any of our customers.

If you want to hire Android App Developers then talk to our experts at

Skype: – @binaryins
Phone Number: – +1 509-619-7072

Originally Published on Binary Informatics


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