Highest Paying Programming Languages 2019

Regardless of whether you’re starting your IT profession, searching for your next IT position, looking for promotion or joyfully staying put, keeping with the Highest Paying programming languages is significant for your IT career.

We have incorporated for you a rundown of the most popular Highest Paying programming languages 2019 dependent on different studies and measurements, the information of which will assist you with making great cash both now and in the coming years.

Let’s discuss

Top Highest Paying Programming languages for 2019

1. Go Lang

Go is a coding program that was made by Google. It likewise fills in as a community project that is open source. It is simple for amateurs and can be perused by different developers. Golang doesn’t have a vast arrangement of highlights like different projects like C++ or C.

One preferred standpoint that Golang has is its memory effectiveness. For example, Golang documents take up just 2 KB of memory rather than Java’s records that are around 1 MB.

2. Python

Numerous developers allude to Python as truly outstanding and most popular in-demanding programming languages for any tenderfoot. Regularly, it gets referenced in any coding dialog. It was created during the 1980s by Guido Van Rossum.

Additionally, it’s an object-oriented programming language that offers an immense accumulation of helpful libraries and expansion for developers and programmers.

Python is regularly depicted as basic and simple to learn, with a lucid language structure that diminishes the expense and time of program support.

3. Java

Java is another programming language for Blockchain Development, at the highest priority on the rundown; it is utilized by a huge number of developers and billions of devices around the world.

Java is the official language of Android development, and 90% of Fortune 500 organizations use Java as a server-side language for back-end development.

4. R programming language

R programming language is one of the most ordinarily utilized programming languages for Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

This language gives an astounding structure and inherent libraries to grow incredible Machine Learning calculations. R is utilized for general factual processing just as illustrations.

It has been all around received by undertakings. The individuals who wish to join the “Analytics” group of an enormous association should learn R.

5. JavaScript

JavaScript is utilized by over 80% of developers and by 95% of all sites for any powerful rationale on their pages. A few front-end frameworks for JavaScript—like React and AngularJS—will be progressively used to control the Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

So, it’s improbable that the language will drop in prevalence at any point in the near future. Famous employments for Java developers incorporate web developer, full-stack developer, and front-end developer.


The absence of skilled developers has dependably been and still remains today an earnest issue for the market. Information of any of the previously mentioned Highest Paying Programming Languages and adequate work experience open up extremely extraordinary open doors for pros.

Besides, it isn’t important to be restricted to just a single language. You can generally begin picking up information in various ways acing new languages in principle and practice. All you need is want since there are all that could possibly be needed open doors for learning presently.

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